Sunday, May 15, 2011

Micro Homes

Hey Everyone,

Once again roaming Youtube, I came across something really interesting. Micro Homes. I bet many people are wondering what in the world that is, like I was. It is a home that utilizes as little space as possible. An extreme eco-home of sorts. The idea is to use only the space one needs for living in and live with what you need. It is an interesting concept as people who live in these homes have to limit what they own and be more resourceful. Take a look at the video below. This man lives in a 258 square foot apartment.

After watching that video I had two thoughts: Wow that guy is a bit insane and look at that design. I commend him for his lifestyle, one which I'm not so sure I could live, but more for his design skills. I think it is amazing that he was able to fit everything he needed into that apartment without it looking cramped or disorderly. He mentioned that he got some ideas from boats, which was very clear to me in his design efforts. I found it very interesting and made me think of how I can make my designs more functional.

Let me know what you think.


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